Rail car mover
A vehicle which is capable to run both on roads and rail track is a rail car mover. This vehicle can be fitted with couplers with a view to move railroad cars in small number in a small yard.
An extensive use of rail car mover can be observed being used by railroad customers for the following reasons:--
- They prove to be cheaper than going to own a switcher locomotive.
- Instead of paying the railroad operator for switching, it is always easier and cheaper to own a railroad car.
- They are more productive than cars seeking manual move.
- Over and above all its versatile characteristics makes it move even on the road wheels to get to the cat to be moved. They don't need clear tracking.
Rail car movers with various characteristics can be observed. Some of them run on steel wheels while the rubber tires have no role to play. Some of the rail cars run on rubber tires while the steel wheels work as a guide to the vehicle. They are much similar to the Hirail trucks.
Being so light in weight, the rail cars mover typically shift the weight of the car they carry to their wheels to achieve more and firm traction.
The towing vehicles in Europe are in the forms of trucks integrated with railway wheels and coupling rods.
Many rail car manufacturers are there. Track mobile is one of the earliest manufacturers. Shuttle wagon and Rail King are the names of some other reputed rail car manufacturer.