Moving Services
Movers are there to solve this problem. They are people with a great expertise in moving goods from one location to another safely. They are specialized in transferring both commercial and residential set ups to places. Distance does not matter for them.
House Movers
This is a violation of law. The federal officials enforce the laws regarding moving companies and they will take your complain in case such incident takes place with you. They will investigate into the matter and try their level best to get your possessions back. However, it is difficult to do.
Move Information * Required Field 
Move Date:  *    
From Zip: *  Zip Help
To State: *
To City: *
First Name: *
Last Name: *
Email: *
Phone Numbers: *         

Only one required

    Work Phone:  )  -  Ext.
    Home Phone:  )  -  Ext.
Best Time To Call: *
Vehicle Information: *
   Running Condition:
Vehicle Information:

additional vehicle if needed.

   Running Condition:
Additional Requests:
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Auto Movers

One of your most important assets is your vehicle. Relocating your vehicle could prove to be strenuous. You can get your car carried to your new place by an Auto mover. The transport companies have charge differently for this service.

The aspects to be considered for making the total cost of moving your vehicle involves:
  • Destination/origination
  • Date (approximate) of departure
  • Vehicle's type
  • Type of service chosen
  • Other special services

Method of Payment

The methods of payment also differ from companies to companies. Some of the companies do not take any advance while others do take. Typically 10% to 25% of the entire cost is taken as advance. Rest of the amount can be deposited at the delivery time.

Written Contract

Any verbal promise can not be relied upon so easily. You must get written agreement incorporating some very important clauses like one which waives the the cancellation fee in case the auto mover doesn't pickup your vehicle within fixed number of days of agreed pickup date. Though you can not be given a guaranteed delivery date, you should ask for a tentative one. Before leaving your car with auto movers you should get an car inspection report saying everything about its original condition.

Get you car insured

Your auto moving company would insure your car against any theft and damage. Feel free to ask for a copy of insurance coverage. Remember you are not supposed to leave any article inside the car as it won't be insured by the auto moving companies. Make sure that your home insurance policy covers these articles for damages.

Inspect your car on delivery

Though most of the auto movers deliver the vehicle very safely, you are required to be watchful. You must inspect your car very minutely when you get its delivery at the destination. Examine its status with respect to the origin inspection report you had received at the origin. If you find anything otherwise make a note of it and get the driver's signature.

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